FOUNDATION Course Curriculum

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

FOUNDATION Course Outline

                                               FOUNDATION Course 

Intro thru Week 6 = Loose Leash Heeling
Week 7 thru Week 10 = Off Leash Heeling

Lesson - Introduction to Longe Line

·         Quiet time = Passive Learning

·         Inverted Longe Line = Active Learning

1)Week One

·         Quiet time = Passive Learning

·         Longe Line = Active Learning

2)Week Two

·         The difference between ‘correction’ and ‘punishment’, the “OUT!”

·         Correct leash handling

·         Straight line heeling

·         Training Turns: Right About Training Turn, Right Training Turn, Left Training Turn

·         Tuck Sits: Sit positioning, Sit command, Sit correction

ü  Tunnel of Love EXAM (Day 6)

3)Week Three

·         Automatic Sit

·         Heeling post

·         Sit/Stay @ 6’

·         Place

·         Supported Stand

ü  Discrimination EXAM (Day 3)

ü  Readiness EXAM (Day 6)

4)Week Four

·         Scrambled heeling

·         Planted distractions for Sit/Stay

·         Approach of a stranger for Sit/Stay

·         Sit/Stay distance increased to 15’

·         Left About Turn

·         Figure 8

·         Stand circles

·         Recall to teach Front @ 6’

·         Downs: Down shaping

ü  EXAM – Week 4

5)Week Five

·         Stand/Stay

·         Finish

·         Out-of-sight Sit/Stay

·         Recall @ 15’

r      Return to Your Dog

D    Downs: Down Correction

·         Intro to tab (use from here forward on dog)

·         Intro to throw chains (do NOT use until Week 6 lesson)

ü  Vickster’s EXAM (Day 3)

ü  String Test EXAM (Day 6)

6)Week Six

·         Review Lesson 5

·         Stand for Exam

·         Recall to Front

·         Active Sit

·         Throw chain lesson

ü  EXAM– TC against social, prey and defense distractions

7)Week Seven

·         Review Lesson 5 & 6

·         Light line introduction

ü  EXAM – On & Off-leash heeling

8)Week Eight

·         Relaxation Walk

·         Beginner Novice pattern

                                             Critique and advise on obedience issues. EXAM

9)Week Nine

·         Discuss correct ring procedures

·         Novice pattern

ü  EXAM – BN run thru

10)Week Ten

·         Teach concept of diminishing line

·         Teach transfer protocol



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